An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is like a social security number for your business. The Internal Revenue Services uses EIN numbers to identify your business entity for tax purposes and requires that it's used on all tax filings. You'll need an EIN number to open business bank accounts and you may need it to complete a business license or permit so its a good idea to get one soon after you incorporate or form an LLC.
Stanford Entity Management LLC can take care of the process of getting an EIN number from the IRS for you. It's quick, easy, and will check one more item off the to-do list for starting your new business.
Get an EINMost types of businesses need an EIN number and they are required by the IRS for:
There's no difference, they are different terms to describe the same thing.
Stanford Entity Management LLC is owned by a trusted Coral Gables, FL accounting firm. In addition to business incorporation, we offer complete bookkeeping services and tax strategies for new and growing businesses. Find out what we can do for your small business! Request a consultation online now to learn more or call us.
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