Ready to start your new business? Form an S corp, C corp, or LLC online with Stanford Entity Management LLC. Our business incorporation services make it easy and we offer everything you need to start off on the right foot. We can help you get an Employer Identification Number, DBA name, and file your Florida Annual Report submission. But aspiring business owners need more than just forms. The future of your new business depends on guidance from a professional on effective tax planning, how to set up accurate accounting systems, and how to make the best financial decisions for your business. You'll get all of this at one stop when you work with us!
We'll be with you every step of the way as you launch and develop your new business. First, we’ll direct you toward the most tax-efficient way to structure. Then we'll provide outsourced bookkeeping services and a complete strategy for minimizing tax exposure. But our goal is to become your financial partner for the life of your business. As it evolves, we’ll continue to be the resource you turn to for sound financial advice and ways to save money on taxes.
Call us or request your consultation online now to learn more about what we can do to help your new business succeed.
Need help starting your new business? We offer business incorporation, bookkeeping services, and tax strategies.
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